Recently I turned my life on its head and left the comfort zone of home town, family and friends in Wellington (NZ), to start a new chapter in Western Australia. As I adjust to my new surroundings, I find myself thinking in the shape of stories and letters home. Feel free to take a seat and read on..

Friday, January 25, 2013

You can't always get what you want..

This morning's pursuit of water drops was less successful than I had hoped for. However, after spending more than half an hour leaning into the herbs to "just take one more"; I felt very soothed and settled. Which was exactly what I needed. And I smelt delicious.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Making love on a daily basis

One of the myriad reasons I choose to share my life with this man: 
In amongst the hustle of showering, shaving, breakfasting, remembering stuff, finding his 'phone..  
..he took the time to turn around and bring me this; "a perfect leaf".

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reflections from 2012, sans fancy writing

As I have written in previous posts, in 2012 I decided it was time to learn how to use my camera. One thing I have learnt this past year is that I need lessons now.. I've got about as far as I can figuring it out for myself and now I want more. But as they used to say in the cigarette ad - I've come a long way, baby.
Worlds in water drops:
Heart's Ease
Retired Dandelions
Dandelion in the Morning
Wonderful trip to Shark Bay in June - beautiful scenery, perfect weather..
Sunrise in Shark Bay
Dolphin at Monkey Mia
Sunrise at Shell Beach
Fabulous month house sitting in the country in Spring.. an 80 acre playground at my disposal, and the luxury of having the time to enjoy it:
Ballet on Golden Pond
Pas de Deux
And we're done
Swam most days..
..and occasionally at night
Discovered Instagram
Made sacrifices for the cause
(dirty job, but someone had to do it)
Early morning stillness
Back home again..
Seagull on a walk by the river
Brief diversion into the myriad ways one can find a paper weight entertaining:
Park upside down
A cushion, an iPad and a paper weight
Messed about around boats with good friends:
And watched some great sunsets..

Happy New Year